Thursday, May 6, 2010

Query Letter

Amanda Zimmerman
Susie Magazine
Premier Studios Publishing
10000 Marshall Dr.
Lenexa, KS 66215

Dear Ms. Zimmerman,

Huge amounts of alcohol, wild parties, older boys and possibly even drugs are some of the temptations college-aged Christian girls find themselves wading through. Although they’re supposed to be having the time of their lives and preparing for a career, these types of temptations are not what they need to make them question their faith. However, that is what happens to nearly one-third of college freshman.

Students entering college need all the preparation, advice and help they can get. Local Christian officials; a theological professor at a local seminary and a college minister from a local Baptist church provide tips and advice on how to hold on to one’s faith in college.

I’m interested to know if you’d consider an 800-word ‘how-to’ article I wrote consisting of tips concerning how to help college students navigate the treacherous waters of young adulthood at school while keeping their relationship with God paramount in their lives. I used quotes and advice from a Baptist college minister and a professor in theology and church history. I incorporated their private and public tips, as well as some personal anecdotal stories from college students and graduates who have struggled with and have made it out of school with their faith still intact and even stronger. I can include photos of the local college campus, photos of the minister and professor and of some students who attend local churches during those religious services. I can also compile video footage of students’ personal stories to add a multimedia component to my story.

I am the former opinion editor for the TCU Daily Skiff. I’ve written over 30 articles, including feature pieces and opinion columns for the Daily Skiff, as well as having taken photos and shooting video footage. I’ve had articles published at my hometown paper, The Villager, in The Woodlands, Texas, and my former college newspaper, Otterbein College’s The Tan & Cardinal. I am a news editorial journalism major, a Christian and a college student, so I think I have a unique sense of expertise concerning the article mentioned.

Thanks so much for your consideration, Ms. Zimmerman. I very much enjoy your magazine and only hope to further interest your readers. I look forward to hearing from you!

Most sincerely,

Andrea Bolt

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